The new Sherwood Magnum Pro is a completely new designed second stage for better breathing performance, stability, and durability.The Magnum Pro is now a pneumatically balanced 2nd stage regulator. It uses the same technology and design that has earned the Brut worldwide recognition for durability and reliability, bur the Magnum Pro goes a step further with an added Venturi device to reduce breathing resistance at the higher flow rates when it is needed the most. A flow control switch allows the diver to switch the Venturi effect off while at the surface or in shallow water to stabilize the regulator for better manageability. 
&bull Tee - shaped design reduces regulator profile when mounted on tank minimizing opportunity to make contact with the back of the head. 
&bull Balanced- piston delivers ample air volume at stable intermediate pressure to the second stage over a wide range of supply pressures. 
&bull Spring chamber is environmentally sealed to maintain cleanliness reducing the effects of corrosion and contamination. This contributes to uniform high performance as the regulator is used. 
&bull Dry-sealed first stage uses no liquids or gels that can leak or add to service costs. 
&bull Four LP ports and two HP ports for more options for ideal hose positioning. 
&bull Pneumatically balanced 2nd stage - The pneumatically balanced regulator ensures you get the same amount of air delivery whether you are at 3,000 psi or 500 psi, improving the diving experience.
&bull Venturi switch - The Venturi switch provides performance adjustments at the surface or at depth, providing a more stable regulator.
&bull Single valve tube construction - The single construction creates a precise channel for the valve to operate.
&bull Co-Molded mouthpiece - The large co-molded mouthpiece uses two different silicone compounds and colors to reduce jaw fatigue.
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4. | 若學員因故無法如期完成訓練,Diving.Monkey免費保留學籍3個月,學籍期間為第一次實際上課起算往後推算3個月內,學籍內都可不加收任何費用直到結訓。※不包含交通、食宿,教材,氣瓶等。 |
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1. | 參加潛水活動。如因個人因素無法成行,會扣除相關費用並依旅遊定型化契約之取消規定辦理。 |
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