The Apeks Flight has been designed primarily for the travelling diver. Flight is lighter than any other comparable regulator made by any other manufacturer in the world. Our Design and Engineering Team have produced this revolutionary regulator using advanced composite materials ed for their optimum strength to weight ratio. They are tough, reliable and strong enough to cope with the demands and rigors of travelling. They are the most compact Apeks regulators ever made &ndash small yet fully loaded with high performance and comfort.
This product qualifies for Free Parts for Life
High strength forged, lightweight, brass skeletal body 
Connections | Yoke only |
Type of first stage | Balanced diaphragm design |
Body Type | Forged, brass skeletal body |
Number of HP ports | 2 (7/16" UNF) |
Number of MP ports | 4 (3/8" UNF) |
Environmental Dry Kit | No |
First stage exterior | Stylized sheath over brass |
Coldwater Use | No, designed for temps above 50°F / 10°C |
Type of second stage | pneumatically balanced |
Integrated Venturi Lever | Yes |
Mouthpiece | Comfo-Bite&trade |
Hose | Lightweight, flexible, braided |
Purge button | Extra large |
Overall Work of Breathing (WOB) scores | Avg. 0.9 joules/liter |
Nitrox compatible | Yes to 40% O2 when new, out of the box / Can be O2 cleaned to 100% |
Weight | 25 oz / 708 g (yoke) |
Colors | Pewter, Twilight, Pink |
1. | 服飾配件類商品經售出後,恕不在保固、維修範圍之內。 |
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1. | 訓練期間由學員負責保管自己使用的整套輕重裝,至結訓當日繳回,若有毀損或遺失則照器材原價賠償,敬請愛惜使用。 |
2. | 訓練過程中因故無法出席,請於24小時前請假,※若身體不適,請務必告知教練。 |
3. | 訓練過程中請勿遲到早退,以免影響自身與他人權益。 |
4. | 若學員因故無法如期完成訓練,Diving.Monkey免費保留學籍3個月,學籍期間為第一次實際上課起算往後推算3個月內,學籍內都可不加收任何費用直到結訓。※不包含交通、食宿,教材,氣瓶等。 |
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3. | 如您欲退貨的商品已收到紙本發票,請將發票一同附在商品紙箱內(包裝袋內)。 |
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1. | 參加潛水活動。如因個人因素無法成行,會扣除相關費用並依旅遊定型化契約之取消規定辦理。 |
2. | 更改上課期別或取消課程,若於開課日前7天前辦理改期,可免費改期一次;若改期第二次以上,每次收取1500處理費。開課前後因故取消課程,皆無法退還訓練費。 |