The Scubapro Galileo Luna comes with a choice of display screens, an intuitive menu system and the best electronic compass around. It offers all the core Scubapro technology and features you&rsquoll find on the Galileo Sol except for the Predictive Multi-Gas feature and the Heart Rate Monitor. If you ever want to upgrade, these features are available as optional purchases and can be added quickly and easily.
This computer has everything you need in a wrist-mount dive computer to maximize your underwater experience. This powerful dive computer handles nitrox mixes up to 100% O2, offers hoseless air-integration (upgrade with transmitter), and can store a lot of useful data from each dive. The algorithm calculates true reaming bottom time and incorporates Profile Dependant Intermediate Stops, both of which increase the safety of your dive.
The Galileo Luna has a lot of great features, with this in mind it is still very easy to use. Offering a choice of three primary screen configurations which will suit for individual taste, you can easily navigate through this computer system using the three clearly marked control buttons. The screen also rotates 180 degress, which means you can wear this watch with the buttons on top or on the bottom. The digital compass features a half-compass rose that can be used at a full 90-degrees tilt, this makes it easier to navigate underwater and is less fiddly.
There is an option to upgrade this watch to include a transmitter and a heart rate monitor. The Galileo Luna computer can include and heart rate monitor which will add extra features to the computer, which allows you to have access to your skin temperature and your heart rate in real time. These additional features are recommended for technical divers as you should make the most of all the features that are available. The transmitter which can be added as an extra works with Scubapro&rsquos most technical dive computers.
You just screw the transmitter into a high pressure port on your first stage regulator and the transmitter send the data to the computer showing how much tank pressure there is and the real time remaining bottom tim (RBT). Upgrades are available which includes a smart transmitter which can be attached to a first stage regulator to give data about the remaining air left in the tank. A Heart Rate Monitor Belt (HRM) which gives you data about skin temperature and heart rate in real time and display this data on the computer. If you would like to upgrade then the options above.
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